
Showing posts from October, 2020

I need to be moved to the building One World Observational until we have Buckingham Palace ready!

 You should consider removing other commanders and coordinate to have Sampson Onwuka accompanied to 285 Fulton Street, all the tenants should know they will have to move... Sampson I. Onwuka

We are interesting in getting Irish people out of 283 Fulton Street, NY, no Irish born American will be at the 285 Fulton Street, N.Y

 WE ARE REMOVING IRISH AMERICANS FROM THE TWO BUILDINGS The International crime group through members of homeland security through the meghan group need not continue but am sure you have been warned.

We are offering New York film academy a shot at the HBO. Medical!

 New York film academy have a deal to produce the weekly drama on Cornell financial (Medical.

Sampson Independent for USA Medical, Presidential Candidates 12' should get a million dollars for welfare covering the rest of their campaign

 Welfare funds!Who is my Welfare funds? Sampson Independent Party and Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell will release funds to Presidential aspirants all 12, up to a million dollars to help some of the candidates cover basic welfare and get a decent airplane (charter) to cover the rest of their campaign. I think we can carry 20 million dollars welfare funds despite going broke this year. Dr. Sampson Onwuka UFCU to distribute the funds as we continue to support US Federal Credit

Medical USANETWORK? Why am I not getting covered??

 Why am I not getting covered by USA Network on USA Medical? I think Houston replace Austin for the position of the director of the network. USA Network must cover medical to keep their score card active.    Do we have you or any of your young African distributors (DUTY ONE) interested in Medical? we have USA network to consider

Medical USA, we need a better informed perimeter on lead academic position on COVID 19 and the policies of restriction

 Medical USA, we are better informed about the right to host isolated patients expecting to hear the results of their testing. COVID 19 test results usually take 5-7 days and patients (who take the test) may report on any new development. I however believe that lack of medical information on COVID 19 is why we are getting low ball movement from the general public. I think we are in a different phase of COVID 19 where individual immunity play a role in the control of COVID 19. I still think it is a cold virus and introducing patients to any inhibitor will encourage the necessary uptake COVID 19 medication. We encourage Doctors to write more on COVID 19.   Dr. Sampson Onwuka and we are suspecting Eastern Africans -- from possibly Kenya and we have control dissolve group that may have lead on Singapore strain.  

Medical 'Medical Malpractice

 I think Illinois and Texas are no strangers to Mental health malpractice when it come especially with people now all of over the world who operate without permission digging our US and International Funds moving numbers elsewhere. We can correct this problem in Texas, in Illinois, in New York, and recently in Idaho by forcing jurisdiction. It is not common that under the false pretext of secret services dangerous criminals hunt for human parts and in some testimony electronically remove the spleen, the spine, go through mental and medical records without questions, blow through SSI into private accounts abroad and don't even pay any taxes. All these while we are looking at these people are law enforcement. We are loosing money in billions to these suck syndromes especially those involved with our prisons and our jails system. The two States and others should consider taking action or I will take the actions for them. Dr. Sampson Onwuka

Medical Emergency 'Daxing!, perhaps JFK

 Medical Emergency of Airports under our management for instance the ABIA and the JFK should mirror medical emergency units elsewhere. This is world popular Daxing

Guns can a lot in our medical hospital

 Guns don't give you right to any job anywhere. I am conquering to hospitals and big medical centers involved in the practice that a gun powered camera is capable of seeing through our human insulation. In the study of time capsules and the role released enzymes play in correcting muscle synapses (memory) I have reason to believe that guns used for cancer removal through surgery and use of invasive cameras through hard to reach areas of the body will help the practice cut through the tumors easily.  Sampson Onwuka (M.D  try and move us to 283 Fulton Street, 285 Fulton Street from here, Lord Baltimore (Hilton

COVID 19? i think we are post-Covid 19

 The medical society concerned with the spread of COVID 19 and with the post COVID 19, may publish on Flu-like symptoms, on the spread of cold virus through human to human contact and on why sexual lifestyle and manipulation is behind the enduring strain of COVID 19. It is Coronavirus, flu-like Coronavirus, it will become a new virus capable of mounting immune response if media culture 'spermatozoa' through the male rectum move from one surviving male to a second male. Male not female.... Dr. Sampson Onwuka

Medical 'Prostitution

 Prostitution is a problem in our study of medicine especially for people who share needles, who pass their spermatozoa from one male to another. I believe we will have mental health relinquish its privacy

Medical we are looking at the USA Medical and how we cover all medical experiment, results

 USA Medical is not a bureau for how not to act in any theater. It is a force for medical disclosure on why American will not guarantee miracles of life but can present all of us on why we are so close on almost generating life. American approach to medicine and its use of medical supply lines will not change medicine but guarantee that results from any medical experiment will be covered and will be disclosed if necessary. We need volunteers for Medical


 General hospital under Sampson Onwuka manual in Williamson County is bitter for its memories. We are willing to support new attitude to USA medical by letting Doctors - especially military doctors - and patients reflect on their own experience. The age of medical malpractice is said to come to resolution with court ordered introduction of bullet cameras. But this has so far made all medical practice worse. Medical malpractice is so pervasive that even Dr. Sampson Onwuka will be looking for thoroughbred to disclose what happened. 

Williamson County to rival MECO in drug distribution.

 Medical supply line of Texas group is through Harris County. But the main source of drug manufacturing is Williamson County. I think our interest in removing competition in USA and in Canada lead Medical Group from Williamson to rival MECO. We have a new relationship with Bethesda, Cambridge, Los Angeles to throw USA medical brand abroad and to supervise quality medication through USA.


 define medical? Wuhan need a final position on COVID 19 and Coronavirus! I say we acquired all the rights to Wuhan Virology but no team from U.S has new hold on the position that Wuhan is the origin of this version of Coronavirus. Medical

USA Medical 'these are the days

 USA Medical can move 200 work force commanders., Admin, Aide de Camp., Ministers and Day to day Doctors (Practitioners) to an NIH home 283 Fulton Street, 285 Fulton Street, and 117 West N.Y  We will speak the night together and get ready to fly to anywhere America is active. The attitude to American Medical need to be understood beyond Williamson County. NIH Bethesda, M.D Dr. Sampson I. Onwuka

USA Medical from Williamson County

 Medical Group from Williamson County with all the challengers from Mental Health groups in Texas and in our town of Georgetown will lead United States in its commitment to emphasize standard American Medical. Medical!

Medical Group from Williamson County (Georgetown

 We moving American Medical Group to Brooklyn., to speak to you on your right to medication. The team is part of USA Medical which manage all the drugs manufactured through Central Texas. We are interested in breaking the influence of NIH and getting small business group involved in long term medical.  Medical Group from Williamson County will offer legal counseling on what not to do when you are crashing from new medication.  Do I have anyone from Cuomo and the decisions against Binghampton. We secured some money from the General Hospital and we can use this to keep start the right to know campaign. How about 100 million securities... Dr. Sampson Onwuka

USA Medical team?

 Define Medical? Williamson County and 100 thousand dollar daily export of proven medic to Abia State.