Medical 'Medical Malpractice

 I think Illinois and Texas are no strangers to Mental health malpractice when it come especially with people now all of over the world who operate without permission digging our US and International Funds moving numbers elsewhere. We can correct this problem in Texas, in Illinois, in New York, and recently in Idaho by forcing jurisdiction. It is not common that under the false pretext of secret services dangerous criminals hunt for human parts and in some testimony electronically remove the spleen, the spine, go through mental and medical records without questions, blow through SSI into private accounts abroad and don't even pay any taxes. All these while we are looking at these people are law enforcement. We are loosing money in billions to these suck syndromes especially those involved with our prisons and our jails system. The two States and others should consider taking action or I will take the actions for them.

Dr. Sampson Onwuka


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